Recap of our anniversary party


At the fifth of July we celebrated our 10-year anniversary. The first party of this year was with our network on a very stormy day, but those who could make it brought a lot of positive energy. Incitamentum is Latin for the inner drive and also gift. So, this was our gift to our network and their endless support in so many ways to improve and support our professionalism.

The perfect venue

Galery Slagmaat at Woerden was again the perfect venue for our celebration with a performance of Rick de Leeuw. Rick enriched us with fragments of his book, and as he called it; his friendship with a special man in the Middle Ages.
The evening was interactive also due to the painting that was produced by joint efforts and the guidance of Nienke van der Kooi.

Tasteful celebration

Ivy Powel, our special Jobcarver, cooked up our team, or better enriched us with lovely food of her Aunty Ivy’s tasty Kitchen, and also there were beautiful cakes with our logo, as you can see on the beautiful pictures of our webmaster Brent Wouda!
As Ubuntu teaches us you are only somebody if others see you, and without others you are not present, nothing. For us this is a reason to celebrate and share, and we did and we saw and were seen!

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Gepubliceerd op: 2023-09-04 01:47
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