
February 13th, 2025

€427,20 ex VAT incl. lunch

HE&S and Works Councils

We will show you what is expected of an employer and what is your role, how you can get engaged, and be of added value

Working conditions and a sustainable healthy workforce are essential to be productive and to get results as a company. Not an issue to only talk about, but to act!

The employer has a strong responsibility by Dutch Law and the Works Council can support development and implementing good policies within the company matching the needs of the staff.

The ‘Incitamentum ARBO event’ is especially focusing on members of a works council, or of a works council subcommittee ARBO (HE&S). We will show you what is expected of an employer and what is your role, how you can get engaged,  and be of added value.

If you see ARBO (HE&S) as an interesting challenge that can create a safe, healthy and pleasant working environment, then the necessary information and more is what we offer you.

If you have specific questions, do let us know, so you can receive the answers the 13th of February 2025.

The workshop will take place in the surroundings of Utrecht.

13th February 2025, from 09.30 hrs till 17.30 hours


Our trainers are expert on HE&S as well as Works Councils.

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